How are those Resolutions coming along?

It’s January, that means full steam ahead for the diet industry! We are being bombarded, literally attacked by commercials, print ads, billboards and even friends and family all talking about the latest diet- which isn’t a diet but a “lifestyle” thank you very much! It’s as though everyone’s New Year’s Resolutions have to include starting a diet. Resolutions have suddenly become less about true meaningful change and more about changing the size of our bodies. When did that become a thing? It’s so covert, we didn’t even notice it happening 🙁

Dieting and sneakily disguised diets known as “lifestyles”, have become so prevalent, you might not even realize that New Year Resolutions, (if you want to make them), don’t have to be about eliminating anything from your diet or even pledging allegiance to some insane workout program. If you really want to be different in the New Year, consider not making another resolution that involves changing your body. Make a meaningful one instead! Consider:

1. Being more kind to yourself and others

2. Decreasing your environmental footprint

3. Trying new foods, hobbies or activities

4. Reading books outside of your preferred genre

5. Meditating

6. Keeping a gratitude journal or committing to 15 minutes of self care every day.

7. Choosing one thing as a priority whether it’s writing that novel or being a better friend, spouse, parent, daughter. It could be making your job a priority or choosing to cut back so you can care for a sick relative.

8. Making time to volunteer

9. Reconnecting with your inner child

10. Finding your passion, finding your why, finding the reason you are here on this earth. 

Trust me, you were not put on this earth to focus on changing the size of your body. You were not put on this earth to obsess about macros and you most definitely were not put on this earth to feel guilty about the foods you eat. There is so much more to you than your dress size.

Take a few deep breaths, remember to connect with your inner wisdom daily, let go of the things that you no longer need and make 2020 a good one!  

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