Want to know a secret?
Your body is not the problem.
Would you tell your best friend that you adore their fun, caring personality
but you just can’t be friends with them any longer because they gained weight?
Of course not!
And yet… I bet you have made some pretty nasty comments to yourself.
It is totally normal to hold ourselves to a higher standard BUT, what if we started to see our body as an ally rather than something that needs to be contained, controlled, and deprived.
We often speak to ourselves far more harshly than we deserve - our body is pretty amazing and shows up for us in thousands of ways every single day.
But, I want you to know - you are not the problem. Your body is not the problem
You have never been the problem.
Diet culture and our society’s collective fear of fat bodies is the problem,
and it’s holding us back in the worst way!
Feeling bad about your body size, guilty about the food choices you make, or shaming yourself into thinking that you should have more willpower and the ability to get things under control,
is not the answer.
Your body is NOT the problem - Our fat phobic society is the problem.
Thinking you will finally be happy if you just lost a little weight, is not the answer.
You are NOT the problem - The 70 billion dollar diet industry and the false promises they make is the problem.
Falling victim to the diet cycle of gaining weight, restricting, increased cravings, binging, then ultimate weight gain is not the answer. It doesn’t work for anyone and leaves you feeling worse, not better.
You have NEVER been the problem - Diets are the problem. Even the diet industry is catching on and have changed their collective language to "lifestyle" rather than diet.
We get it, it’s a lot to unpack and frankly, if this is all new to you yet also resonating in a big way, then the 4 week roadmap to true wellbeing may be just what you need to begin wrapping your head around the ways the diet industry has led you astray!
You will get 3 weekly emails that will keep you motivated and encouraged as you begin to make some small changes that will lead you towards wellbeing today!
Ready to dive deep? Then 1:1 Nutrition Therapy might be the best fit for you,
(it may even be covered 100% by your insurance!) Woot! Woot!