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What to do if you find getting weighed at the doctor’s office is “triggering”

Something that has been coming up quite a bit lately is the idea of being weighed as a matter of course whenever you go to a doctor (even a specialist – such as a dermatologist). Many of my clients have had bad experiences in the past or continue to be triggered by being weighed. 

If you hate being weighed, keep reading for some helpful tips.

Sure, sometimes, (in very rare cases) it is 100% necessary for your doctor to weigh you. You are on a specialized medication or you are about to go under anesthesia for surgery. But, I would say 9 out of 10 doctor visits probably don’t require a weight. 

In a perfect world, being weighed at the doctors would be an exception rather than a rule, and when they do need a weight the Medical Assistant (MA) would politely explain why they need a weight and ask if you are okay with being weighed. That way you get to hear all the information and decide if being weighed is something you would like to agree to.

Unfortunately, the above perfect world is a fantasy. So, it is very likely that you will be asked to be weighed at your next visit. You may even be forced or pressured to be weighed and that can leave you feeling not so great before you even step into the exam room. 

If you don’t mind stepping on the scale, then by all means, you do you 🙂

For the rest of us, what can we do? Do we have rights? The answer is YES! You absolutely have rights and here are a few ways to assert your Patient Rights at your next visit:

1. A polite “No thank you” can do the trick in many cases.

MA: “Would you please get on the scale for me?” 

YOU: “No thank you.”

2. Call ahead or use the online chat to inform your doctor ahead of time that you don’t want to be weighed and that you do not want to discuss your weight at your upcoming visit. Or, ask your dietitian or therapist to call on your behalf and speak with the doctor for you.

In theory, calling ahead would work well but if it does not, use response #1.

3. If the above #1 and #2 do not work and you are getting resistance / pressure from the MA – You can ask, “Why do you need this?” and then depending on their answer you can respond.    

MA: “We need it for your insurance company.”

YOU: “Would it be ok for you to write “refused” or use my last recorded weight?” 

🌸 You can also call your insurance yourself and ask them if they always require a weight and then be armed with their response. Many insurance companies no longer require this for routine visits.

MA: “The doctor makes us get a weight.”

YOU: “I am not trying to cause any trouble for you and I don’t mind discussing this issue with my doctor, would it be okay if I wait to speak with them?”

MA: “We need to know because the medication you are currently taking is weight dependent.”

YOU: “Oh, I see – would it be ok if I turn around and do a blind weight then?”

4. It is absolutely your patient right to decline any treatment, medication, surgery, etc. and this includes being weighed. If it comes to it, your emotional wellbeing is most important and you are the customer. 

If the above options don’t work then you can decide if you want to go along with their demands, or decide to walk out of the appointment or go along for now and look for a new more weight neutral provider in the future.

Here is a free resource to enter your next doctors appointment armed with information around weight.