New Year, New You?

It’s 2024 !

As we step into a new year, the tradition of crafting New Year’s resolutions often comes along for the ride. I wonder though, is it time to challenge the notion that setting grand goals on January first is a must? I don’t make resolutions in January because I know that I can make a change or start a new habit whenever the moment strikes. Making formal New Year resolutions creates unnecessary stress, and can sometimes lead to feelings of guilt or shame if these goals flop or fall by the wayside- as they often do.

Instead, consider the liberating idea that it’s perfectly acceptable NOT to make a resolution!

Don’t get me wrong, choosing to forego resolutions doesn’t imply stagnation; it invites a shift towards an embodied and attuned state of being. It’s ok to embrace the present, celebrate your current achievements, and prioritize self-care over rigid self-improvement goals. Small, intentional changes made in the moment, (any time of year) are the best goals!

This year, why not try something new?

Forego resolutions altogether or create fun resolutions that will feel like a joy when you choose them!

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